Here's the kicker....I haven't been able to do squat.
I feel like I have a giant growing inside of me and he still has three months to go. Walking upstairs takes me FOREVER and I get winded just walking to the office at work. I mean it really isn't that far of a walk either. So the other day I got this "I need to clean my ENTIRE house before my baby shower!" notion and set off like speed racer, who then turned into a very determined turtle. My first mistake was starting in the master bathroom. I should have started with the bathtub but I decided I would start with the vanity and toilet. And here I go, I'm doing good, feeling good, cleaning away, and then comes the bathtub. Now for all of you who are or have ever been pregnant, you know that during your second trimester you start bumping into things without meaning to because your stomach could be it's own state. So here I go with my little basketball belly to clean the tub. I spray it down, let it sit (which means I really just needed a break), and proceed to get down into the floor to wipe it down, with my belly bumping into the side the whole time. By this time I'm pooped, and ill. No more speed racer. I really just want a nap. I sort-of-kind-of wipe down my bathtub (the parts I can reach anyways), rinse it out, and I decide "that works, I'm hungry" and go eat a sandwich.
I sit down and eat my sandwich and think "gah I still have every other room in the house to do.."
Did I mention my shower isn't even at my house?
Everyone keeps telling me to embrace it and let people help you out, but I am that little kid in the corner crying "I don't wanna" because I want everything to be perfect for Ryder when he get's here. I mean I am off for the summer I should be able to get a ton of stuff done. My poor husband shouldn't have to paint the baby's room after working all day, I should be able to do it while I am sitting here all day. But I can't. Not only can I not do it physically, but it really isn't safe, and after one miscarriage you better believe I am not going to do anything that could possibly hurt my child. While I know all of this, and I know that I can't lift anything heavy, or climb on a ladder, I have a really hard time believing it. I know I shouldn't try to clean the house like Speed Racer, but I want to.
So although I just told you a slightly funny story about me trying to clean with a basketball for a stomach, the true meaning behind this blog is that we should all slow down a bit, pregnant or not, and do what is best for us and our families. It really isn't best for me to be running around cleaning with such precious cargo on board and it will probably be the same when Ryder gets here. I mean my house is still going to be clean don't get me wrong, but there are more important things than having an immaculate house.
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