So I am a teacher. I teach wonderful high school darlings who just eat up everything I say and leave my classroom with a plethora of knowledge about the wonderful world of literature at the end of the semester. *Cough or that's what I tell myself Cough* One of the greatest things about being a teacher is the amazing schedule I have. I mean 7:30-3:309(ish) Monday through Friday, summers and holidays off, AND spring and fall break. Who wouldn't love that schedule? I mean don't get me wrong it isn't an easy job. I teach 9th grade. I think that in itself says enough, and it gives me an opportunity to play housewife from time to time.
But I digress.
I say part-time housewife because I don't get to be June Cleaver full time, but only on my off days. Now I say June Cleaver but I am no where near the June-Cleaver-type. I mean have you ever watched an episode of "Leave it to Beaver"? That woman was perfect! No, I'm afraid I spend my summer (and other breaks) thinking of crafts I want to do, keeping the house decently clean, and watching re-runs on tv. I also spend this time telling myself "you should really work on a lesson plan or something" as I scour pinterest for two hours. I mean thanks to pinterest I have tons of things I want to do around my house, and my classroom, and things I want to buy for my wardrobe.
So what's the point of this crazy, rambling blog-thing you say? Well for one everyone else is doing it so I thought "hey, why not" and two I thought it might be fun to document this whole pregnancy thing and life when Ryder get's here. I mean my husband and I have been together since we were in high school, things are going to be quite different. So if you feel like seeing what someone else is going through for a change, check in from time to time. I can tell you I am no June Cleaver. I mean I burn things I cook, I set the darn fire alarm off every time the oven is on 400 degrees or more ("it is not my fault though that stupid thing is heat activated not smoke" I say as my husband laughs), and my mother kept all of her craftiness and forgot to share when she had me. I mean I couldn't even make a decent clay pot in high school art. So for all part-time (or hey full-time too) mommies and housewives out there who aren't June Cleavers, let's share some stories. It may look beautiful when you see it on pinterest and think "oh yea, I can totally do that," but it sure as hell doesn't turn out that way.
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